Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Miracles and Blessings - July 18, 2017

Cool Experience:
Last Saturday, we were on our way to an appointment when we heard someone calling "Elders! Elders!". We looked around and saw no one, but then looked up to see a sister from the fourth floor of an apartment building calling out to us. She further explained that she is a member and we asked if we could go up and visit. When we arrived, we found out that this sister is actually from another province, but was visiting her less active sister and her family who lived in that apartment. We then found out that one of the daughters of this less active mother is a 14 year old youth who has gone to church multiple times in the province, but had not yet been taught by missionaries and had not yet been baptized... So miracle. Random Less active Part Member family: Found! The Lord put us in the right place at the right time. It can not be sheer coincidence that that sister would be looking out the window at the exact time we were passing by their apartment on a rare day that she was visiting her Less Active sister in Makati... I know that the Lord is preparing certain people for certain times and he works according to His time table. Maybe now is this family's time!

Another cool experience:
Last Sunday was the most investigators at Sacrament meeting I have ever experienced in my mission. Just from our area alone, we had 9 investigators attend church, coming from 5 different families.... If we counted all the little kids too, we would have had 15 investigators at church. Wow. It was a day of much rejoicing, but also a day of much stress trying to manage helping all the investigators around haha! Heavenly Father is very generous and very merciful and I'm so happy to watch Him accomplish His work.

Friends and family, the church is true. Keep pressing forward steadfastly and with firm faith. If you fall, trip, twist an ankle, or fall on your face.... wipe off the dust, stand up, and keep moving forward. God doesn't expect us to stop or cut our eternal journey short. He expects us to make it all the way, and He has promised to help us along the way. Just like His work here on earth, hindrances may occur, but nothing can stop His work.

I love you all! I hope you all feel and know that. Even more so, I hope you all feel and know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's love for you is immeasurable and imaginable.

Have a good week!

-Elder Ahn

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